ForceWare 61.36 WHQL Windows 2000|XP

Gainward is hosting official ForceWare drivers for Windows 2000/XP today, best thing about that is that they are WHQL (Microsoft) certified. We mirrored these driver and of course recompressed them to a lovely 10 MB. This is a full NVIDIA reference set that supports all NVIDIA graphics cards starting from GeForce FX and upwards.

If you have an older card, don;t worry. We included a modified .inf file that you can place into the archive to support your card. It will not be WHQL anymore as we had to alter that .inf file. It's nice to have it as an option we figured.

The drivers are dated at June 10th 2004 making them the one of the newest available.

Although we haven't tested this archive ourselves we did virus-check it with Norton Antivirus and we also did a spywarecheck with pest control. We found nothing.

Early reports are that these drivers seem to rock, improvements in FarCry and Thief3 are reported everywhere.

Remember, these driver need to be considered Beta, use them at your own risk. If you give the drivers a try then be sure to let us know your experiences in our NVIDIA driver forums.

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